Monday, September 30, 2013

Fly Fishing for Smallmouth Bass

Fun to watch
Shows how to fish different flies, poppers , how to fish them and were to fish them. I had always wondered why small mouth bass never hit well on bright sunny days now I know. I am waiting for the chance to get out and try what I have learned.

very good overview of fly fishing for smallmouth
I would have liked to seen more information on poppers and sliders. The coverage of subsurface flies is very good.

Very helpful
Learned tons of new ideas to use in my smallmouth fishing would definiy recommend. Especially if you live in Virginia

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The Fascinating World of Birds

Great Bird Video for Kids by Brain Food Learning
After buying all 3 Brain Food Learning videos I am very impressed with the quality of the video footage and entertainment content.

The Fascinating World of Birds entertains my youngest grandchild who loves watching the ostrich and penguin, they make him laugh. The older kids are learning about migration from the goose section. They are really enjoying all the "big words" like depth perception while watching the owl.

I find all these DVDs of the highest quality and recommend them for children of all ages. The Fascinating World of Insects and The Fascinating World of Mammals are wonderful.

Gotta get it!
This video is educational and the kids loved it! I only wish this company would put out more videos. It so much easier to have everything in one dvd when teaching about birds to a whole group class.

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Skyscraper - Part 1 - Paper and Rock

As Jimi Hendrix sang, 'Kiss the Sky'
Ever wonder how a skyscraper gets built? We see them all the time - on television, in person, in movies, but how are they actually put together and built? This program educates you as to how a skyscraper named, 'World Wide Plaza' in Manhattan (former site of the old Madison Square Garden building) was planned, executed, and finally constructed.

The building construction began in 1986 on a four-acre area. The cost was $100 million dollars. The skyscraper is 50 stories high, containing shops, offices, cinemas and apartments. 'World Wide Plaza' is part of a three building commercial and residential complex completed in 1989. The roof of the building features a pyramid of copper panels with a glass dome. The inner steel framing was constructed by a technique called, 'Overhead reverse weld in the sky'.

The skyscraper known as 'World Wide Plaza' stands proudly as one of New York City's impressive skyscrapers. New York City has the fastest building construction of...

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a touching romantic drama
Breezy (1973)

Breezy has been a film I have known about for about sixteen years but have never seen until last week when I finally got the DVD.
Directed by Clint Eastwood, the film has been pretty much forgotten about over the years, not helped by the unavailability of it on home video, mainly here in the United Kingdom.
But now it's here, at last.

Eastwood, fast becoming the most popular movie star in the early seventies after the success of his Spaghetti Western trilogy (1964,'65,'66) and his roles in Dirty Harry (1971) and High Plains Drifter (1973) turned his eye to directing and directed the highly acclaimed Play Misty For Me in 1971.

For Eastwood's third directorial effort Breezy in 1973, Eastwood decided to stay behind the camera instead and the leading man duties were handed over to William Holden.
Eastwood felt he was to young to play the role of Frank Harmon, although he was 43 at the time and more than twice the age of Kay Lenz who played the role of...

"Breezy".... Cool and Refreshing
This review refers to the DVD Widescreen Edition(Universal) of "Breezy"...

Long before there was a "Pretty Woman" there was "Breezy". She stole the heart of William Holden and will steal yours too, as this touching tale, directed by Clint Eastwood, way back in 1973, hasn't lost a bit of it's charm.

Breezy, played by Kay Lenz, doesn't know where her next meal is coming from. She hangs out on the streets, crashing at anybody's pad that will have her for the night. She's young, a free-spirit, and can only see the good in any situation thrown her way. She welcomes life with open arms, and it seems to smile down on her as well. Frank Harmon(Holden), on the other hand is a middle-aged well-to do Real Estate broker, who's heart has hardened toward the world. He lives in a beautiful home in the hills and the almighty dollar is the only thing he welcomes into his life. That is of course until fate sends Breezy to him, and he learns to open his heart once more...

Wisdom & Happiness
One of Clint Eastwood's early yet still obscure directorial efforts, "Breezy" gently and charmingly explores the nature of wisdom, which can be present in the most unusual of people and the real meaning of happiness, which is usually found in the oddest and least-expected of places, usually when one is not looking for it.

Amid the smoldering cultural wreckage of the recently-ended 1960s with its nagging remnants of the shrill "don't trust anyone over 30" crowd and the seemingly still-unbridgeable "generation gap," which had left many men and women from all age groups deeply confused, adrift and alienated, the odd and quirky relationship between the youthful, Ophelia-like Edith Alice "Breezy" Breezerman (Lenz) and the cynical, middle-aged Frank Harmon (Holden) successfully and simultaneously reveals several very simple but still frequently-ignored truths; that wisdom and insight are not necessarily the sole province of the "aged" and that a carefree, happy spontaneity isn't...

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Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

When you hear the basic storyline of "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind," it sounds like another one of those "wacky" romantic comedies that they love to put out every month. However, when you realize that this is written by Charlie Kaufman (who also wrote "Adaptation" and "Being John Malkovich"), then you know that this will be a very different movie. This is such an enjoyable, hilarious and a brutally honest film that has immediately become a favorite of mine.

Jim Carrey plays "Joel;" a quiet and shy person who keeps to himself most of the time. He's bummed out when he discovers that his girlfriend had a new procedure done in where she has erased him from her memory. Not knowing what else to do, Joel decides that he must get the same thing done to him and goes to the clinic to have her erased from his memory, hoping that the pain and sadness will go away. When he's undergoing the procedure, unconscious and reliving the memories as they are being erased, Joel...

Just when you thought romantic comedies were unoriginal ...
ETERNAL SUNSHINE OF THE SPOTLESS MIND, which I saw tonight in an advance screening, is the most twisted, original romantic comedy I've seen in a long time. Coming from the mind of Charlie Kaufman, this film is luckily more in the vein of BEING JOHN MALKOVICH and ADAPTATION than HUMAN NATURE.

The film, which operates on the premise that people can delete bad relationships from their memories, travels essentially backward down its story's timeline. It examines several key themes regarding compatibility, fate and how our memories can make up who we are.

Jim Carrey, who plays his role of Joel straight rather than wacky, delivers his best and most human performance since THE TRUMAN SHOW. But the movie, thankfully, belongs to Kate Winslet. As Clementine, the girlfriend who Joel wants to either love or forget, Winslet is wacky, colorful and hilarious - the sort of girl you want to either love or strangle.

While their central story plays out mostly within Joel's brain, several equally...

Highly Original, Deeply Moving
I think that people who say that there's no such thing as an original plot ought to see this movie and see if they still believe it afterwards.

"Eternal Sunshine" is just as creative as "Being John Malkovich" but without the characters who did despicable things (i.e. taking over people's bodies) in the latter movie. Instead, the story centers around Joel (Jim Carrey) and Clementine (Kate Winslet) who are two very appealing "nice people."

I'm a guy, so naturally my eyes are on Kate Winslet. She really does merit the description that one critic gave her, "very easy to fall in love with" (I know I have). Besides this movie, I've seen her in two other great roles in "Sense and Sensibility" and "Enigma." In "Eternal Sunshine" she plays the shy man's dream girl: a wacky, flaky woman who lights up every scene that she's in. Yet she's also a wounded spirit, fighting a problem with alcohol.

Jim Carrey does a fine job playing Clementine's soul mate (and in some ways her polar...

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Steve Niles' Remains

a nice surprise
After seeing the "made for television" 2012 Zombie Apocalypse, I had little hope for Remains, thinking it was going to have a lot of the same production value; mainly over used and cheesy C.G.I. affects and a thrown together story line with a poorly written script, which would all lead to annoying, clichéd characters that were under developed. Well, zombie movie lovers rejoice! The Chiller Channel has got their stuff together and made a durn fine, rooting, tooting zombie movie! Yes, it does have a slight "made for television" feel to it, in that there is no gratuitous loads of gore and blood and the intelligent actors don't have "f-bomb" diarrhea of the mouth! Some folks like that in their zombie movies, I however prefer a though out and well written story and script! And I got just that with Remains!
Now in other zombie movie reviews I have read where folks are disappointed that the movie didn't add "something new" to the zombie genre... sorry, but Remains is not a movie...

This zombie film starts on international "Peace Day" when some undisclosed process will neutralize radiation and make nuclear weapons useless. While these sketchy details are televised in the background, Tom (Grant Bowler) and Tori (Evalena "cleavage" Marie) go to a bomb shelter to get it on at a Reno hotel casino. When they emerge I expected to see Burgess Meredith looking for his glasses, but instead there is a full blown zombie food riot going on outside. Like "Dawn of the Dead" the first rule is to secure the perimeter and eliminate zombie hazards within the safe zone...which isn't that easy as this appears to be the only hotel casino that doesn't have a gun stashed anywhere.

Our non-zombie people group narrows down to four, with one openly gay character. (Guess who dies first because killing off the brother first has become too cliche?) The radioactive zombies require head shots and are a combination of fast moving and foot dragging zombies, whichever suits the mood of...

Not bad, not great. Totally watchable.
Maybe its just because I've watched so many terrible zombie movies that were made with more money and less love, but I thought this was kind of okay. It could have been better, yes. But it was enjoyable. There were a few moments that made no sense, but there were also a few moments where i cringed, and a few moments where i unexpectedly laughed my butt off at something that was SUPPOSED to be entertaining. SO i call that a win in this genre. I believe that this movie is a good example on the positive influence the success of "The Walking Dead" TV show is having on networks and studios throwing a couple dimes behind a director with a bit of vision. Now... if they could just start throwing them at BETTER directors with MORE time to work ..

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Sunday, September 29, 2013

The Wolfman (Unrated)

Clap for the Wolfman -- a New Universal Classic!
The mysterious, Gothic feel of The Wolfman was really well-done. First of all, it was great of Universal Pictures to release this film on a full moon. Unfortunately the full moon hit Valentines' weekend. *shrug* What do you do??

Unlike the 1941 Lon Chaney, Jr. version, which took place in the then-contemporary pre-WWII Europe, this picture takes place in 1890s England, apparently right outside of London, in the inevitably named "Blackmoor." Nice.

Benicio del Toro seems a bit miscast at first glance. But viewers find out early in the film that Sir Talbot married a Latin woman, so Benitio's Latin looks makes sense. Without the "Why me?" look of Lon Chaney, Jr., Benicio had the fear of God in him instead.

This fear seemed real and sincere, as he discovers he is cursed. Cursed from the bite of a werewolf. He implores the local gypsies to help him but this version of Maleva is not much help. Her advice is to put Larry Talbot out of his misery...

"Even a man who is pure at heart . . ."
Of course, we all know the basic Wolfman story, from the outstanding portrayal of the creature by the late Lon Chaney. This time, we have a remake with Anthony Hopkins (as Daddy Talbot) and Benecio De Toro (as Laurence Talbot), plus some special effects that we not available in the old days.

We begin on a full-moon night in England, in 1891. Daddy Talbot's other son is walking through a wooded area and attacked by a horrible monster that slashes him apart. The Talbot man's fiancé writes his brother (Larry), who is living in New York. Expressing concern for her fiance's disappearance, she asks Larry for his help.

Larry arrives at the family estate, an old English manor in disrepair and finds his estranged father alive and well, accompanied by the family dog and a man-servant from India. The son/brother's body had just been recovered. Larry travels through the English countryside to a small town to see his brother's body, which is...

Good old fashioned horror
Plagued with delays, reshoots, on set bickering and changed release dates Director Johnston's remake/homage makes it to the silver screen, and is a good old fashion scary movie.
Interestingly, the DVD and Blu-Ray release will feature a further 17 minutes of footage, aka "Directors Cut" which according to an interview with the director is mostly in the first half of the movie to build tension, and fill in some back story.
It was said that here (the cinematic) release wanted to be concise and get to the first transformation sequence in as soon as possible to keep the audience attention. This ideal I can understand, as all too often one must sit through an hour of build up to get to the meat of the action (no pun intended) and see what has been teased in trailers and TV spots. Time will tell as to whether these 17 minutes make a whole lot of difference, my view is that it will be a nice to have, rather than a need to have. For me the picture felt pretty complete.
Del Toro...

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Yellow Rock

The film opens with a poorly scripted, worse read narrative about the plight of the Native Americans. Max Dietrich (James Russo) an apparently bad guy comes into Yellow Rock to hire Tom Hanner (Michael Biehn) to take him through Black Paw territory so he can locate his missing brother and nephew. His party of men end up with Dr. Sarah Taylor, an interpreter respected by the Black Paw and a member of the tribe (Michael Spears) to make sure they don't pass through the sacred burial grounds which would curse them. Of course they pass through the daylight medieval misty burial grounds and the film takes the anticipated twist.

The acting was over done to the point of being bad. Lenore Andriel, who also wrote and produced this film was perhaps the worse of the lot reminding me of a laughable Angelique Pettyjohn. I understand shooting a film on a budget, but if you are going to use a modern Presidential coin to be a $20 gold piece, don't show a close-up of the coin. C'mon Nick, at...

Yellow Rock-A Review
Solid writing and acting. A very enjoyable [independent] Western, unlike a similar film recently released, "Legend of Hell's Gate". Lenore Andriel did a great job with the writing and producing, especially with it being her first Western ever. She also delivered a pretty solid performance as Dr. Sarah. Michael Biehn and James Russo delivered equally solid performances in their respective roles, and let's not forget Michael Spears! I really only saw the film for Michael and Eddie Spears and Zahn McClarnon (wasn't disappointed, let me assure you!), but I came out of the movie really enjoying it and liking it. the MPAA did rate the film as "R", but in reality, the violence is less than that of "Hell on Wheels" or other modern Westerns. Yes, it is kind of slow in the beginning, but once they move to the wolf sequence, it gets really interesting really quickly. Worth seeing, even as a "B-rated" Western!

Worst movie I've seen in years
I know the actors tried hard but I kept feeling the director must have been stoned. The plot was scattered and confusing. It just didn't draw me into the story at all. I'm glad it was a free redbox rental or I would've felt cheated.

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Armed Response [HD]

Keeps Getting Better
Most series go into a decline by the fourth season but there are ocassionally a few that do keep your interest beyond the fourth or fifth season. Very few improve. Closer is one that does. The seventh season finds the great cast clicking like a machine, with all the quirks of the characters we have come to care about continuing (I do miss Daniels and was sorry to see her go). The scripts are a nice mixture of drama and comedy as we have come to expect from Closer. The show revolves around Kyra Sedgwick, the head of the Major Crimes division, but several episodes allow the cast members to take center stage. Very nice. This is the best season yet. If you like Closer at all you will really like this season.

The first time I remember seeing Kyra Sedgwick was in Tai-Pan in 1986, who would have expected that young lady to evolve into this gorgeous woman. She just keeps getting better looking every year.

The eight season is scheduled to be the last, I expect they will...

The Closer-Intelligent, Well-written & Superbly Acted
There are only 4 television shows I actually watch and for 7 years, this has been one of them. I have waited for each new season and watched each episode avidly. Kyra Sedgewick is amazing - alternately sweet and savage and always, always, always driven by a purpose - get a confession. She is sensational in this role but she does not stand alone. Each of the cast members has grown and changed over the last 7 years, each contributes to the overall show.

And while praising the series, you cannot forget the writers who have had a wonderful run with The Closer.

The two part episode where Brenda, Fritz, Flynn and Provenza travel from Atlanta to LA in her parents RV with an armed robber in custody is funny, poignant and finally forces Brenda to tell her Mom what she really does day in and day out as the Deputy Chief of one of the largest police forces in the country. Well-written and superbly acted, the closing minutes of this episode bring tears to the eyes of all...

This is quite possibly the best show on TV (in my opinion). I love the cast, I love the writing. I keep thinking, they can't possibly do better than what they've done. And, every show is just more and more incredibly great!

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Animated Classics Collection Volume 2- 8 Pack: Pocahontas/ Sleeping Beauty/ Snow White/ Thumbelina/ Heidi/ Black Beauty/ Hercules/ Jungle Book

waste time
absolutly not what i expected poor image very much waste my money
easy go to buy something also and somewhere

Animated Classics Collection Volume 2- 8 Pack: Pocahontas/ Sleeping Beauty/...
Not that good would not recommend this at all...
Unless it's for a baby no more than 8mths old...
Only few songs are really worth listening to for pre-schoolers

Good substitute
The DVDs were great substitutes for the Disney versions, especially for the price. No problem with shipping or quality of the disks.

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Time to Grow Up

Commence Dragulation
Each episode, 3 women who need a life change are given make-overs and advice by drag queens. Can be very touching, heartwarming and inspirational. The drag queens are all alumnus from Ru Paul's Drag Race. The women being made over are usually straight, but they've had lesbians before too. There's guest judges and a runway show at the end where someone is crowned a winner as most transformed. Seems to really be life changing for the women. Excellent show. Love it. Good fun too.

RuPaul Drags You In
I adore RuPaul's Drag Race, and Drag U is great for when you've watched all the Drag Race episodes three times and running out of fun....but, oh, how I love the drag queens in Queenland.

Love Drag Race & Drag U. Fantastic, at times hilarious and even sometimes emotional! RuPaul is an inspiration & seriously helps motivate these women!

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Redemption Road

Exciting with Great Music and Heartfelt!!
I saw this movie at the Hollywood Film Festival at the ArcLight. I thought it
was very entertaining and has a great message to take with you. The acting was great as well.

Feel good movie
I saw this movie at the Indiana Heartland film Festival. The title back than was Black White And Blues. This movie along with the actors was an inspiring uplifting feel good movie. Also, great blues music thru out the movie.

Redemtion Road Well Worth the wait
This movie didn't do the usual theater rounds (unfortunately) so I've been waiting nearly 2 years for it to become available. Michael Clarke Duncan and Morgan Simpson both play their roles superbly. A story that keeps you entertained. The music is terrific, (although some of the performances could have been a bit longer, IMHO). All in All, well worth the wait to finally see this movie, I really enjoyed the watch.

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Gosford Park

"Nothing's more exhausting than breaking in a lady's maid."
The upperclass friends and relations of Sir William McCordle (Michael Gambon) arrive at his country house for a weekend of shooting, accompanied by maids, footmen, and valets, all of whom will be staying under one roof. Sir William is a mean-spirited and self-centered old man, married to a much younger, emotionally distant wife (Kristin Scott Thomas), with many family members dependent upon his continuing largesse. The hilariously waspish Countess of Trentham (Maggie Smith), who believes she has a lifetime stipend, arrives with young Mary Maceachran (Kelly MacDonald), who is trying valiantly to become a good lady's maid. Ivor Novello (Jeremy Northam), a Hollywood star, and Morris Weissman (Bob Balaban), a producer of Charlie Chan movies, are the only guests without aristocratic backgrounds and inherited privilege. The atmosphere of the house, filled with venomous "friends" and relations, soon becomes even more poisonous.

The "below stairs" lives of the servants are also...

Altman does UPSTAIRS/DOWNSTAIRS & Dame Agatha - or does he?
Well, strictly speaking he doesn't of course - Robert Altman never simply tags onto an established genre; he plays with it and makes it his own by turning it upside down. So, while the idea for "Gosford Park" may have been inspired by murder mysteries "Christie style" and by the likes of "Brideshead Revisited" and the BBC series about the Bellamy's Eaton Square household, we leave familiar territory the moment we enter the estate ... through the servants' entrance; for although large parts of the action take place "upstairs," it is manifestly told from a "downstairs" perspective.

Academy Award-winningly scripted by Julian Fellowes (himself a descendant of British nobility and therefore able to draw on manifold personal insights in creating the movie's characters), "Gosford Park" is primarily an examination of the unquestioningly accepted rules of the early 1930s' British class society: where, beset by primogeniture and a lifestyle often beyond their means, an aristocrat's...

Recipe for Lasting Success
Take an 'idea' by Bob Balaban and Robert Altman, transform that idea into a screenplay by Julian Fellowes, place Robert Altman in the director's chair, and gather many of the finest actors in England (and the USA), photograph it with Andrew Dunn as cinematographer, and assign the musical score to Patrick Doyle and presto! - out comes a bubbling movie that entertains on every level and makes a lot of statements about class distinction and other prejudices as well. GOSFORD PARK is a gem of a film and only grows better with repeated viewings.

Gosford Park is the estate owned by grumpy William McCordle (Michael Gambon) who has a way of distancing most everyone he encounters, his bored wife Sylvia (Kristen Scott Thomas), his frumpy daughter Isobel (Camilla Rutherford), and served by a staff of servants who include the very in control Mrs. Wilson (Helen Mirren), the butler Jennings (Alan Bates), and the head of the kitchen Mrs. Croft (Eileen Atkins). A weekend hunting party is...

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Laddaland (Subtitled)

This is a Thai film. Like a Bollywood production, Thai believes 2 hours is the proper length for a film, not 90 minutes. The characters are built and rather slowly. Thai films also like bright colors, this one goes a little easy.

Mr. T is our main character. He is carefully preparing a house in an upscale community for his family to move into. He works for Empire Supplements, a multilevel marketing company. He has had a few good months and believes his boss when he tells him about the company's bright future. He has a supporting wife, a 14 year old daughter who hated leaving Bangkok, and a younger son.

The story is not about the ghost, but about this particular family and how the ghost effects their life. The events are triggered when a young Burmese maid is found locked in a refrigerator with her face cut in half. We really know nothing about the ghost(s), their motive, why they are there, or how close is the nearest Indian burial. It is about the disruptive...

Great Story
Originally I thought I would hate this movie because of the subtitles but I quickly fell in love with the characters and the story. This is not your typical horror movie it's more of a thriller and almost a love story. The father has had some bad luck in his career and tries very hard to please and care for his family although his wife's mother (of whom you never see) is really judgmental and criticizes his every effort.He moves the family to a new town in hopes of a better opportunity after the family was forced to split for several years. The daughter has been totally brainwashed by her grandmother and never allows her dad that second chance (attitude, back talk etc) but realizes his caring efforts at the very end.The little boy is sooo cute and very likable as well. Don't sleep on this movie, it's actually very good.

I wanted to like it, until the end.
All of the other reviews were glowing so I decided it can't be that bad, right? Wrong.

Without giving anything away, I'll just say that I liked this movie but only up until the end. The character development was fantastic, the scary and creepy parts were perfect, but the end left so much lacking that I'll do my best to shy away from anything directed by Sukdapisit for a while. Just know this. It's move of a movie about the family that moves into Laddaland than it is a movie about the paranormal events. If you want a serious horror film with a great ending, this isn't it.

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Death Race (Unrated)

Addition about difference between Unrated version of DVD and Theathrical release
Death Race (Unrated Edition) (Unrated Edition DVD) was released in 2008-12-21 and contains some scenes which are wasn't in the Theathrical release.
The back cover of DVD tells that there is additional 6 min in Unrated version, but there is no any list of what exactly was added.
Here is the list of these additions made by comparing of two versions. Feel free to correct it.

Only significant changes:

1. Scene at the steel mill where the cops come features Jensen egging them on as they attack his fellow coworkers.

2. Cafeteria scene shows the spit actually hitting Jensen's food. Small scene afterward of Ulrich leading Jensen to the Warden's office, telling him that the Warden punishes prisoners "who mess with her drivers."

3. The fate of Jensen's cell mates. (You don't actually see anything happen, just sound effects)

4. Small 15 second scene of Case giving details on how the buttons work during the race: "All four wheels...

A great guilty pleasure
I hate just about every Paul W.S. Anderson film, but he actually pulled this one off. The action scenes are intense, helped by the use of practical effects, rather than CGI overkill. Just wait until you see the tanker truck getting flipped in slow motion. Almost as cool as the semi truck flip in The Dark Knight. Jason Statham is the action star of this decade. The man has muscles everywhere and does the most with his limited acting range. Ian McShane of HBO's Deadwood is given some good lines and is one of the more memorable characters in the movie. I hope he gets more big screen parts in the future. Joan Allen turns in performance I could have never pictured her doing before today, and it worked.

Death race will likely give you a headache with it's shaky camera movements and some of the dialogue could have used some work, but I had a great time. If your of the male gender, the cars, guns, explosions and babes will keep you entertained.

3 and 1/2 out of 5 stars

You wanted a monster? Well, you've got one.
Short Attention Span Summary (SASS):

1. By 2012 the US Economy is completely ruined (guess it doesn't matter who you vote for)
2. Prisons are packed thanks to spiraling unemployment and crime
3. Private corporations run the prisons for profit (Serious business, as there's no money left for a bail-out)
4. Terminal Island Prison runs pay-per-view death races as a fund raiser, using inmates to drive cars tricked out with weapons and armor plating
5. There are no rules except if Warden Hennessey (Joan Allen) says there are
6. Jensen Ames (Jason Statham) is framed for the death of his wife
7. Hennessey makes him an offer he can't refuse
8. He becomes a man in an iron mask, with a killer car (literally), a female navigator (to boost PPV ratings) and a pit crew led by scene stealing Ian McShane.
9. Lots of stunt driving, shooting of big guns and explosions follow, although you really can't tell who's shooting at whom for most of it

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Eastern Promises

Intriquing, well-acted, ADULT-THEMED thriller!
I emphasized the "ADULT-THEMED" idea in my title because one of the best things about seeing a film like EASTERN PROMISES is that it is so adult, so uncompromised. Cronenberg gets to make the movies he wants to, and it doesn't have to be watered down or dumbed-down to make it sell to a broad audience. We get a brutal, sometimes squirm-inducing look at a underworld we haven't seen like this before...and there's no gloss, no pandering to a teen audience, no sappy ending, etc. etc. The ending is SATISFYING...but it isn't easy or "Hollywood."

First of all, the script is outstanding. From the creator of another stunning film about London's "seamy underbelly," DIRTY PRETTY THINGS...the plot makes sense, the threads all come together and the characters are simply but sharply delineated. Yet at no time do I feel the themes are being spoon-fed. Also, some of the acts that are perpetrated on Viggo Mortensen's character near the end of the film are acts of amazing betrayal...yet if...

'Eastern Promises' Delivers!
EASTERN PROMISES as written by Steven Knight and directed by David Cronenberg is one of the grittiest, insightful, and well-acted films of the year. Maintaining his keen eye for the dark side of life and the people who dwell in its shadows, Cronenberg has once again brought us characters so strongly etched on film that they will be remembered for many years.

The setting is London where lives the enigmatic Russian-born Nikolai Luzhin (Viggo Mortensen in an Oscar caliber performance) who serves as a driver for a cloaked mysterious Russian family, members of the Russian mafia called the Vory V Zakone, a bizarre brotherhood populated with men whose lives of crime are told in tattooed stories on their bodies. The head of the family is the elegant restaurateur Semyon (Armin Mueller-Stahl) whose son Kirill (Vincent Cassel) carries on the crime aspects of the family but shows no role of leadership in his dissipated life style. As the film opens we observe the birth of a little...

The Trans-Siberian Affair
I'm actually not sure how to describe this movie, but I'll give it my best shot. First of all, Viggo Mortensen is outstanding as Nikolai, a driver and enforcer for the Russian Mafia, and full time baby-sitter to Kirill, the wayward son of Mafia boss Semyon. He's one cold, emotionless dude when he has to be, but has a human side that peeps out ever so often from behind that steely, chiseled mug.

Vincent Cassel (Kirill) and Armin Mueller-Stahl (Semyon) are also extremely convincing, the former as a violent drunk and the latter as the charming and affable, but very cruel father. Naomi Watts doesn't light up the screen and steal the show as she normally does, but it could be the depressing role of Anna, a midwife who delivers a baby for a fourteen year old girl who doesn't make it off the operating table.

Anne Frank may have left a more famous diary, but the diary of the unfortunate young woman is so revealing that some people are prepared to kill to keep the...

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Saturday, September 28, 2013

The Preacher's Wife [Blu-ray]

Great Story And Music Combine In A Terrific Christmas Movie
As a rule I dont tend to warm to remakes of classic films however the Penny Marshall directed Christmas story "The Preacher's Wife", is a definite exception and has become one of my favourite festive season viewing experiences. Based on the classic Samuel Goldwyn film "The Bishop's Wife", which starred legends Cary Grant, Loretta Young and David Niven, this 1996 effort has a charm and slant on the essentially same story all its own. Denzel Washington in the role of an angel sent down to earth to sort out the life of a preacher who has lost sight of what really is important, is a most worthy successor to Cary Grant in the original film and Whitney Houston in the female lead displays a warm screen presense and great musical talent that couldn't be bettered in this type of story. Amazingly I only saw this film for the first time 3 years ago but it has become a firm favourite of mine ever since. Combining a traditional and much loved Christmas tale with some truly wonderful gospel singing...

Great movie, and a much better remake.
Fine and uplifting remake has everything going for it. A great leading man (Denzel Washington) and a great cast of characters that will lift your sprits when you are down. Great support is giving by Courtney B. Vance and Whitney Houston, and the soundtrack by Miss Houston is simply amazing. See it, and let a smile come a cross your face.

The Preacher s Wife
The Reverend Henry Biggs is a good man who's doubtful about his ability to make a difference in his troubled community and home. Help is on the way in the form of an angel named Dudley who soon becomes the source of and solution to their problems. This movie is wholesome, great family entertainment with a good message. I absolutely loved it.

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This has it all
This DVD has it all, and is well worth the extra price. First of all there is a great movie. The Crow is a cult classic, but I don't mean to demean it at all by calling it one. Based on the comic book of the same name, The Crow has a great premise (a man comes back from the dead to avenge the death of the woman he loves) and is made well. It's a dark film made in muted, dark colors, almost black and white. The action sequences are great (after all, Brandon Lee is Bruce Lee's son). This would have been Brandon's break-out role if he hadn't died. It also has one of my favorite fight scenes, the shoot out at Top Dollar's. And Ernie Hudson is surprisingly good in his role in the film. And a great soundtrack.

The DVD is loaded with extras. There is commentary by Jeff Most (producer and executive music producer of the Crow movies) and John Shirley (co-writer of The Crow). Their commentary is almost as good as the film. You get a lot of insight into the movie, how it was made, and why...

Fantastic is an understatement.
For those of you don't know this movie is Brandon Lee's last. Tragically, he died during the last days of filming. This film would have catapulted Brandon Lee into major-stardom.

Knowing this only makes the movie darker, sadder, and more heart-wrenching.

Based on the comic book series of the same name by James O'Barr, the movie stays close to its comic book roots. Dark imagery, up-close shots, and stark contrasts add to the comic book feel and gothic look of the movie. The music in the film, both soundtrack and songs, convey thoughts and imagery.

The Crow is a story of love and revenge, loss and retribution. It is a portrait of the struggle between the pain of seeing the past, and the peace of gaining closure. Director Alex Proyas did a wonderful job of capturing this struggle on film.

While the bulk of the supporting cast is at the very least believable, Michael Wincott is disturbingly creepy as the main antagonist "Top Dollar." Ernie Hudson, here...

For now.....close enough.
Fans have not been able to see and hear THE CROW movies like this before (in the case of Salvation, this is its intro). The Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround Sound & DTS 5.1 Digital Surround Sound further enhance the impact on the senses (the movies are viewable in Widescreen 1.85:1 or full screen Enhanced 16x9). The picture is flawless and the soundtracks gloriously spring from the speakers with added power. The quality of the video and audio alone make owning the re-issue DVDs a must.

Miramax was forced to issue the first movie's DVD without Proyas' commentary, or any other supplementals that had his image, which include the advertised Schow 90min "chronicles", a stills presentation taken from pics Schow took, and appx 6mins of the "making of" featurette that featured Proyas. An unfortunate circumstance for sure, but one that dealt with unknown agendas and legal issues not a thumbs down of the disk by Proyas as a previous reviewer has tried to insinuate.


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WannaBe Macks

Wow ... an extremely funny and humorous movie
If you want to sit back and continually laugh out loud, then this is the movie you need to see. Cory and Dustin were brilliant. Who is this Brad Patterson, the director. Awesome job.

Wow, Cory Monteith and Dustin are great!!!
Where has this film been? Loved it! very funny mockumentary about "pickup artist" - I really enjoyed this film, worth the money!

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The Worst of Donzilla

Sidesplitting and Smart
This video is hilarious! Donzilla is intelligent and crude all in one. It was fun to witness him in person, but to have the video to share with friends is even better.

The Best Dirty Comic Ever
Donzilla Don Tjernagel is a Stand-Up Comedy underground legend. No one can do it quite like this. Long Live "Donzilla"

Crazy, Distgusting, Funny!
I love stand up, its rare to find the dirty, dirty, ones. But when I do, it makes my day!

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The Bourne Identity

Jason's not paranoid, he's just in a tough spot.
I'll be honest, I haven't read the Robert Ludlum novel, nor do I remember seeing the original film staring Richard Chamberlain and Jaclyn Smith. So I'm not able to point out differences or inconsistencies, if indeed there are any. Having said that, I can't imagine its predecessors topping Doug Liman's version of "The Bourne Identity." This is the sort of film I like to watch pretty often and each time I find something new to enjoy.

The plot, while nothing very original, provides a useful framework around which we get to enjoy some of the most believable action sequences I've seen. Let's face it, an assassin suffering from amnesia is not going to lead a dull life, particularly not after his "friends" decide he's gone rogue. There's only so many ways you can film stunts and action sequences like a car chase but Liman has managed to somehow make the many action scenes seem fresh. I particularly liked seeing what looked like a mini-minor out driving the police using skill and...

Fool me once, shame on yoUniversal Studios
First, I rate the MOVIE Bourne Identity and the older Collector's Edition DVD both as 5-star. I expected the Extended Edition DVD to include all in the older Collector's Edition DVD AND MORE. What you get with the Extended Edition DVD is a FREE TICKET (EXPIRES AUGUST 8th) to MOVIE Bourne Supremacy and a weaker DVD release that is largely a promotion for the new movie.

What you LOSE (Extended Edition DVD versus Collector's Edition DVD):

an extended farmhouse scene; DTS sound; Doug Liman's informative Director's Commentary track.

What you DO NOT GAIN (Extended Edition DVD versus Collector's Edition DVD):

the SAME alternate ending IN ROUGH, GRAINY QUALITY as in the deleted scenes of the Collector's Edition; the SAME deleted/extended scenes (except for the ADDED alternate beginning noted below and the OMITTED farmhouse scene noted above); the SAME Extreme Ways music video by Moby and the SAME DVD-ROM access to web site; no featurette whatsoever...

A skillfully made thriller
THE BOURNE IDENTITY is a tightly conceived, well directed, well photographed and particularly well acted suspense thriller loosely based on the Robert Ludlum best seller. True, many liberties have been taken from the novel, but when you take the time to note that Ludlum himself is the producer, then all arguments are off. Matt Damon and Franka Potente are terrific as the amnesiac agent and his 'only friend' who helps him escape a mad and endless chase from multiple groups of would be assassins. The characters are well developed - Damon gives one of his better perfomances, doing most of his stunt work himself while Potente continues to prove she is an actress worth watching. The supporting cast of such fine actors as Chris Cooper, Brian Cox, etc help propel this movie along. Outside of the French Connection this is one of the best car chases ever filmed - gratefully without the now-boring background of explosions and destruction. In all a fine film that is delivered on DVD with...

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Skyscraper - Part 3 - Steel and Granite

As Jimi Hendrix sang, 'Kiss the Sky'
Ever wonder how a skyscraper gets built? We see them all the time - on television, in person, in movies, but how are they actually put together and built? This program educates you as to how a skyscraper named, 'World Wide Plaza' in Manhattan (former site of the old Madison Square Garden building) was planned, executed, and finally constructed.

The building construction began in 1986 on a four-acre area. The cost was $100 million dollars. The skyscraper is 50 stories high, containing shops, offices, cinemas and apartments. 'World Wide Plaza' is part of a three building commercial and residential complex completed in 1989. The roof of the building features a pyramid of copper panels with a glass dome. The inner steel framing was constructed by a technique called, 'Overhead reverse weld in the sky'.

The skyscraper known as 'World Wide Plaza' stands proudly as one of New York City's impressive skyscrapers. New York City has the fastest building construction of...

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Skyscraper - Part 2 - Bricks and Mortar

As Jimi Hendrix sang, 'Kiss the Sky'
Ever wonder how a skyscraper gets built? We see them all the time - on television, in person, in movies, but how are they actually put together and built? This program educates you as to how a skyscraper named, 'World Wide Plaza' in Manhattan (former site of the old Madison Square Garden building) was planned, executed, and finally constructed.

The building construction began in 1986 on a four-acre area. The cost was $100 million dollars. The skyscraper is 50 stories high, containing shops, offices, cinemas and apartments. 'World Wide Plaza' is part of a three building commercial and residential complex completed in 1989. The roof of the building features a pyramid of copper panels with a glass dome. The inner steel framing was constructed by a technique called, 'Overhead reverse weld in the sky'.

The skyscraper known as 'World Wide Plaza' stands proudly as one of New York City's impressive skyscrapers. New York City has the fastest building construction of...

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Friday, September 27, 2013

The V: Sacrifice of the constellations

Great movie, unique and beautiful.
As someone working in the American film industry I would like to say how impressed I am of this creation.
Considering the budget and tools that it was made with.

The way of storytelling as well as the message given is truly inspiring.

I can really go into details but I shall try to keep it short.
From the first second you view this movie you are carried into another world.
Visually there are so many things that's so inspiring, like the classical royal Indian costumes the mythological characters wear, the settings, the special effects, the whole movie has a pleasing magical look to it. Equally interesting is the sci-fi, western characters who rely on their technology to explore these mythological worlds around them.

I really enjoyed the performance of the characters, they portray the characters nicely.
The drama and the seriousness of the situation can rally be sensed throughout the movie.
Also the humor at times are nice as a...

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True Love, True Life [HD]

2 of the 3 characters are great!
This show is super cute. I really enjoy watching Julia and Emily but Amy is annoying. Should this show be renewed they need to drop Amy she just seems to contradict herself left and right and is bitter; she is everything she claims she isn't like high maintenance. Emily seems the most sincere and Julia is funny. I would watch season 2 if they renewed.

love love love
This show actually took me by surprise. I was on a trip to the Grand Tetons in Wyoming and was stuck watching Bravo (I don't really like Bravo), but this show was on and oh my gosh, very entertaining. The red-head is my favorite, but they all are interesting to a believable, but at the same time unbelievable levels! Very fun to watch, you learn things, and you also have laughs, with very light drama. Good job Bravo! <3

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Animated Classics 8 Pack Volume 1: The Little Mermaid, Alice In Wonderland, Beauty & The Beast, Cinderella, The Hunchback Of Notre Dame, Leo The Lion, Aladdin, Pinocchio

very cute movies in one for the price .... and very so much different then the disney versions in good way ...(^_^)


not as i thinking
absolutly not what i expected poor image very much waste my money
easy go to buy something also and somewhere

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Prophets of the Quran

a nice video to see
it is simple and anyone can understand it. I enjoyed this film and I will watch it one more time.

Excellent work
Should be watch by every human on earth, this video gives lots of information since the existence of the human on earth.
For Muslims should be taken as a starting point and there on explore and for others they should watch for there knowledge and may Allah makes you smart to decide on which way to select. Allah Knows everything,

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Caleb's Door

Caleb's Door
This movie is a low budget movie. The acting was pretty good, and I found the story to be good as well. It had its share of twists and turns. The Director and the Writer are very talented people. There is really not too much to say about it without giving it away, and some people may not like it at all. Its a psychological movie with just a hint of "spirit". About three quarters of the way through the film, I thought "Caleb's Door" (in the movie the door was red" was actually Caleb's door to his unconscious and that the red door was symbolic of Jung's Red Book.

I thought the movie was unusual and it sure kept a person guessing. You may not like it since its not a polished thriller or a flat out ghost story, but sometimes the twists and turns in a persons mind can create all the horror they need as was shown in the film "Caleb's Door."

If you are a Prime Member watch it, it's free. I would not suggest purchasing it, as it may not meet your expectations in...

Confronting Inner Demons
This was an excellent film if you like thought-provoking films. If you are looking for gore and horror, there is very little of that in this film. For a lower budget film, the acting was very good. The characters were believable and the dialog between characters was true to life. I suppose I like this film because a I share a common background with the character Caleb. I also served in the Marines, was raised a Catholic, and always fancied myself an unrealized writer. The story has recurring dream sequences and mixed-up time/foreshadowing of events, resembling at times, the movie "Jacob's Ladder". This kept my interest throughout the film and made me want to find out what was causing Caleb's nightmares. The film has a very good message in the end. I rate this movie a 4. I would rate it even higher, if the film's low budget was not obvious throughout. Special effects were very hokey and film quality at times was less than stellar. However, recognizing the film's technical...

Low budget can be good with creativity. This has none. it is incredibly, incredibly, mediocre. Uninteresting plot, what there was of it is just incoherent. Incredibly boring visually. Sets were motel-room blah. Wardrobe looked like it was from Men's Warehouse. The door (which mostly just leans against the motel room wall), gave the best performance. So, so bad.

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