Sunday, September 29, 2013

Laddaland (Subtitled)

This is a Thai film. Like a Bollywood production, Thai believes 2 hours is the proper length for a film, not 90 minutes. The characters are built and rather slowly. Thai films also like bright colors, this one goes a little easy.

Mr. T is our main character. He is carefully preparing a house in an upscale community for his family to move into. He works for Empire Supplements, a multilevel marketing company. He has had a few good months and believes his boss when he tells him about the company's bright future. He has a supporting wife, a 14 year old daughter who hated leaving Bangkok, and a younger son.

The story is not about the ghost, but about this particular family and how the ghost effects their life. The events are triggered when a young Burmese maid is found locked in a refrigerator with her face cut in half. We really know nothing about the ghost(s), their motive, why they are there, or how close is the nearest Indian burial. It is about the disruptive...

Great Story
Originally I thought I would hate this movie because of the subtitles but I quickly fell in love with the characters and the story. This is not your typical horror movie it's more of a thriller and almost a love story. The father has had some bad luck in his career and tries very hard to please and care for his family although his wife's mother (of whom you never see) is really judgmental and criticizes his every effort.He moves the family to a new town in hopes of a better opportunity after the family was forced to split for several years. The daughter has been totally brainwashed by her grandmother and never allows her dad that second chance (attitude, back talk etc) but realizes his caring efforts at the very end.The little boy is sooo cute and very likable as well. Don't sleep on this movie, it's actually very good.

I wanted to like it, until the end.
All of the other reviews were glowing so I decided it can't be that bad, right? Wrong.

Without giving anything away, I'll just say that I liked this movie but only up until the end. The character development was fantastic, the scary and creepy parts were perfect, but the end left so much lacking that I'll do my best to shy away from anything directed by Sukdapisit for a while. Just know this. It's move of a movie about the family that moves into Laddaland than it is a movie about the paranormal events. If you want a serious horror film with a great ending, this isn't it.

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