Friday, September 27, 2013

Caleb's Door

Caleb's Door
This movie is a low budget movie. The acting was pretty good, and I found the story to be good as well. It had its share of twists and turns. The Director and the Writer are very talented people. There is really not too much to say about it without giving it away, and some people may not like it at all. Its a psychological movie with just a hint of "spirit". About three quarters of the way through the film, I thought "Caleb's Door" (in the movie the door was red" was actually Caleb's door to his unconscious and that the red door was symbolic of Jung's Red Book.

I thought the movie was unusual and it sure kept a person guessing. You may not like it since its not a polished thriller or a flat out ghost story, but sometimes the twists and turns in a persons mind can create all the horror they need as was shown in the film "Caleb's Door."

If you are a Prime Member watch it, it's free. I would not suggest purchasing it, as it may not meet your expectations in...

Confronting Inner Demons
This was an excellent film if you like thought-provoking films. If you are looking for gore and horror, there is very little of that in this film. For a lower budget film, the acting was very good. The characters were believable and the dialog between characters was true to life. I suppose I like this film because a I share a common background with the character Caleb. I also served in the Marines, was raised a Catholic, and always fancied myself an unrealized writer. The story has recurring dream sequences and mixed-up time/foreshadowing of events, resembling at times, the movie "Jacob's Ladder". This kept my interest throughout the film and made me want to find out what was causing Caleb's nightmares. The film has a very good message in the end. I rate this movie a 4. I would rate it even higher, if the film's low budget was not obvious throughout. Special effects were very hokey and film quality at times was less than stellar. However, recognizing the film's technical...

Low budget can be good with creativity. This has none. it is incredibly, incredibly, mediocre. Uninteresting plot, what there was of it is just incoherent. Incredibly boring visually. Sets were motel-room blah. Wardrobe looked like it was from Men's Warehouse. The door (which mostly just leans against the motel room wall), gave the best performance. So, so bad.

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