Thursday, October 3, 2013

A Man Apart [Blu-ray]

Worth watching
Rating System:
1 star = abysmal; some books deserve to be forgotten
2 star = poor; a total waste of time
3 star = good; worth the effort
4 star = very good; what writing should be
5 star = fantastic; must own it and share it with others

STORY: DEA agent is out to take revenge on the drug dealers that killed his wife.

1) Forget XXX or Fast & Furious, this is a much better Vin Diesle movie (Pitch Black is still his best though). Vin does some decent acting and his general charisma carry a large portion of the movie.

2) Good attempt at developing the relationship of Vin's character with other characters in the movie

3) Not a huge action flick but enough guns to keep this drama moving

4) Some suspension of belief is needed in this movie

5) Seemed the editing didn't explain a plot twist or two but cut things out leaving gaps in the story.

OVERALL: We enjoyed the movie and didn't feel like we wasted out time with it.

Vin can act - no really, he CAN!
I know a lot of people laugh at the thought, but this film illustrates that Vin Diesel can act...he's actually damn good at it.

I think this is Diesel's best film ever. Sure, it's got lots of action and fighting, but what really makes this movie for me is the transformation of Diesel's character from beginning to end. It's quite possibly the most tangible thing throughout the entire film. That's not even doing it jumps out the screen, grabs your heart in it's fist and bursts it...yeah, that's a little better.

You owe it to yourself to at least check this film out as a rental. You'll be glad you did.

A Man Coming Apart
Better than I expected, based on the mixed reviews I've read. Vin & Larenz were good, I was surprised they made such a believable & natural pair! & the story did have a couple of surprises (for me). Watch Diesel's expressive face convey the way Vetter is often on the verge of exploding from pain & anger, Vin does this even when he's not the focus of the action.
Vetter is a man overwhelmed by his wife's murder, & no one put him in check before he went completely haywire, even though they saw signs of trouble. I would like to have seen the guy referred for some therapy or at least have a real good cry, but that wouldn't make for much of an action movie.

There were certainly holes in the story, & the 'happily married man phase' was a bit overdone. Diesel acted so smitten & the wife so sweet she had 'DEATH' written across her forehead! But it's all make believe anyway, and still worth seeing and listening to (good music). So Vin, where's the soundtrack?

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