Thursday, October 3, 2013

Kill List

Clever or incoherent?
I saw a screening of this last night and was very impressed. While some other reviewers here have criticized the pacing, I didn't have a problem with it. As long as I'm into the characters, I don't mind how long a story takes to unfold, and I was engrossed by the people in this film.

It's something of a hybrid film, a gritty British gangster movie that slowly morphs into something more horrific. Nearly every element of the production is fantastic, from the acting to the score to the cinematography. It is shockingly violent at times, at other moments thrilling, and, surprisingly, quite funny upon occasion.

What gives me pause is the writing. It isn't bad by any stretch of the imagination: the characters are fully fleshed out, the story is compelling, and everything moves along nicely. Where the trouble comes is in the ending. You might have heard some buzz about it being a shocker, and it sort of was. Part of the reason for that, though, is because it receives the...

Shows a raw talent in economical filmmaking. There is a mine this guy has tapped into. Creepy as it gets.

The best time you'll have feeling unnerved..
A fantastic release to match an equally fantastic film. Leave all expectations to the door and enjoy this hell ride.

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