Friday, October 4, 2013

You Had Me At Goodbye

The "switch" season
I think of season 4 as the one where Dawson's Creek began to transform itself into Joey's Creek.

The very first scene already hints at this switch by showing Joey and Pacey returning from their boat trip after escaping a broken-hearted Dawson and inquiring friends. The trend of having Joey in the opening scenes of new seasons would continue for seasons 5 and 6. Season 6 even more blatantly so by having her do a voice-over. It was not a bad change, but I would have appreciated a memo.

Most of this season focuses on how Dawson, Joey, and Pacey could ever go back to being friends. Dawson must somehow accept that both of his best friends are now an item. Dawson and Pacey are proud, they won't admit they're wrong, and Joey is caught between her boyfriend and her best friend. It's a great conflict that in real life could have destroyed a friendship for good. But there's a reason why the audience roots for Dawson and Pacey to be friends again and that's because we know...

Two guys, a girl, but no pizza place
Dawson's Creek was not a show that I watched during it's regular network airing. Friends of mine recommended that I check it out, but it was never something that interested me. Then one evening while watching another show on The WB, I saw a commercial for the reairing of the very first episode of the show, prior to the final episodes as the series wound down. I watched the reairing of the Pilot and from that moment on was hooked on the lives of Dawson, Joey, Pacey and Jen.

The fourth season of Dawson's Creek is mostly about the relationship between Pacey and Joey and the problems and issues it causes among their friends. While Dawson and Joey have long considered themselves soul mates, they spend much of this season questioning that as Joey explores her relationship with Dawson's former best friend Pacey.

This season was also the final season for the group in Capeside, Mass. The kids graduate high school and move on to other things. In some cases, college is the...

The Reason I Ended Up Here...
I have to say that this season is the best out of the whole series. Katie Holmes and Josh Jackson captured an on-screen emotion that seemed so much more like love than anything I've seen on TV or in a movie before. In fact, I have to say that their relationship is the reason I'm a hopeless romantic. I know that the end of the season isn't the way that I would want it to be...but we know how the series turns out, so I'm not too sad. Plus, once this DVD is released there's only 2 more until we have the complete series on DVD. That'll be the longest marathon ever...

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