Sunday, October 6, 2013

The Odd Couple 2

Oscar and Felix are Back
Walter Matthau and Jack Lemmon, two comedy greats, pair up again in this hilarious film. In The Odd Couple II, it has been 17 years since Oscar and Felix last saw each other. They are reunited to go to their children's wedding. Along the way they get arrested three times, encounter two lovely ladies Thelma and Holly, and get on each other's nerves no end. After making such a hit as Odd Couple, making a sequel was risky business, but Walter and Jack pulled it off! Sadly it would be their last film together.

Jack Lemmon and Walter Matthau have done it again!
Jack Lemmon and Walter Matthau team up again in this teriffic comedy as the infamous Odd Couple.After being away from each other for seventeen years, Oscar Madison (Matthau) and Felix Unger (Lemmon)meet again,this time to travel to the wedding of Oscar's son and Felix's daughter. On the way they encounter tons of crazy characters and situations,after losing Felix's expensive suitcase-along with their map-and forgetting the name of the town they are driving to! This hilarious road trip is a great display of the famous team of Lemmon and Matthau

Just so Funny!!!
What can you say about these two? FUNNY!!!! I could hardly catch my breath because I was laughing so hard. True, II was not the same as the original. You also really don't get the flavor of messy-man verses neat-noid-man, but just the fact they are stuck with one another again and they keep getting in these absolutely ridiculous situations is just to good to pass up. You want to laugh? Then get this movie!

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