Thursday, October 10, 2013

Cool World

I can understand everyone else's opinions about this movie...
true, the script was a little messy...true the animation interaction with live action was quickly done...but all that is beside the greatness of this film, this movie remains one of my favorite movies of all time. WHY?

Because this movie is much more than what it is...obviously there are hidden messages/images in this film...especially in the ending when Holli picks up the "spike" on top of the tower in the real Las Vegas. The title "Cool World" is meant to be a sarcastic quotation. Holli seems to portray evil in the most appealing way. There is a lot of evil going on in the backround and foreground in this film throughout. Temptation (I believe) is the main subject, but there are other subjects tackled in the movie as well.

If you have only seen this movie deserves a second look...and if you still don't get the message, then I can only say that "Cool World" is a reflection of who people really are,...

Frightening and disturbing
You cannot judge this movie by conventional standards. This is not meant to be Roger Rabbit for adults, it is not meant to be Citizen Kane, it is not meant to be Wierd Science. It is meant to be a completely different genre all by itself, and must be judged as such.

This movie scares me. Not in the sense of "it scares me that anyone would make a movie this bad," but more in the Blair Witch Project kind of scary. What it lacks in plot and scripting, it makes up for in atmosphere and creepiness. The "wooden nickels" scene is an example of this; some guy throws a handful of wooden nickels to some innocent kids, and the nickels proceed to open their mouths and devour the unsuspecting children. It's this kind of random, disturbing event that makes Cool World worth watching. This is a wierd movie for when you need to go on a major acid trip but you don't want to actually put drugs into your system. It is the movie to watch when you want to leave all reality and...

It's A Real Cool World
I'll tell ya... if I read one more review written by someone born after 1980 dissing Bakshi, I think I'm going to start kicking rump and taking names. Do people diss Disney? Hardly, until they became such a movie mill that they are computer generating what used to be created by hand with a loving touch.

Look at "Cool World" as the AntiToonworld of "Roger Rabbit". The characters are psychedelic, psychotic, retro and bent. There is a great deal of (expected) sexuality and lewdness, pushing the edge of the PG-13 as far as it can go. Lots of puns and inside jokes it takes an adult to appreciate, something Warner Bros. cartoons were masters at. Granted, they don't always hit the mark here, and there's more chemistry when the Doodles are on than when the Noids take over.

But I dare anyone to watch that scene with Holli cooing "Let's Make Love" to a sweating Mel Torme wannabe while she's having trouble keeping her Noidness intact and not feel the simulataneous urge to...

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