Saturday, October 12, 2013

The Prince and Me

Cute and sweet "CHEMISTRY" you'll love to watch!
Wisconsin-born Paige Morgan (Julia Stiles) thinks boys are a distraction. In fact, she never dates, preferring to keep her mind on her pre-med college studies: she's worked hard for everything she's got, having grown up poor. Prince Edvard "Eddie" of Denmark (Luke Mably) has the opposite problem: he has grown up surrounded by wealth and privilege (having been groomed since birth to become the next ruler of his country). Only thing is: he's not ready for the responsibility! The Prince rebels against his parent's upbringing, deciding to go to America to meet girls.

Along with his trusty servant/bodyguard Soren (Ben Miller), the Prince enrolls as a student at a Wisconsin college; they arrive and immediately set off to the local hangout to find some of these Wisconsin girls. It is there that Eddie runs into Paige, who is working; she dislikes him from the start, as he acts as less than a gentleman to her. When Eddie pairs up with her as her lab partner the next day in class,...

A cute tear-jerker: Great DVD to have in any collection
First, a little background of myself - I'm an U.S. Air Force officer, with background in both physical sciences & project management. I tend to steer towards movies that either make me think, or invoke emotional responses (interpret at will). I also gravitate toward movies that have fantastic soundtracks.

I first sought this movie out because my wife enjoys cute love movies, and because Julia Stiles plays roles in love stories quite well. The premise itself is a cute one - two people who are made for each other question their lifelong chosen destinies. It touches topics such as class (rich vs. poor), values (working for every penny vs. being spoiled), destiny (pre-destined vs. taking the bull by the horns), to name a few.

I shed tears as I watched this movie with my wife. Not because it's depressing, but because the movie strongly reminded me how lucky I am to be married to my wife, and how a combination of perfect timing, maturity, and perspective got me to...

I LOVED this movie
Julia Stiles and Luke Mably were awesome. I saw this movie and loved it. It is the type of movie that can make you smile. I enjoy movies that can make you smile. As for the weather... WHO CARES? The weather added to the storyline, how manytimes has Cinderella gone to the ball in snow? I can't wait till this movie comes out on DVD. The story was like a real fairy tale. Tell me one girl who does not want to get wrapped up in a fairy tale once in a while? We are raised from the beginning of childhood life that fairy tales are just that... in this movie Paige is given the chance to live a true fairy tale. After realizing that she also remembers her dream, she remembers she will never give that up for anyone, not even prince charming. Paige is going to change the world. I loved that aspect of the movie. I want to see women who want to change the world and will work as hard as they have to in order to do so. I dont know, I guess I am just a hopeless romantic or something. But really, I...

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