Thursday, October 3, 2013

Event Horizon

Much better than the previous spotlight reviews credit it for.
Update: 1/23/06

Some comments edited due to this writing being included in the spotlight reviews section.

-end update-

Event Horizon.

First of all this isn't a perfect film. It is, however very good and worthy of purchase.

Many other reviewers have savaged the film for being too slasher, too weak or open to intrepretation. I would offer many of them were expecting general science fiction not a bloodbath in space. The gore is what makes them take a step a back. The gore serves the story very well. Hell isn't a primrose path.

Many other reviewers have covered the plot in detail. So I'll avoid being redundant in that aspect.

What makes the movie good is that its a taunt piece of space horror. You hit the ground running almost immediately. Pacing and storyline are well done (amazing some people don't get the story details - made perfect sense to me). The set design and visuals are simply sublime. There is good...

"I told you she won't let me leave - she won't let anyone leave"
This is a fascinating idea for a horror movie. Unlike Jason X (yes, you can laugh), this is a true horror film set in space. Set in the year 2047, the crew of the Lewis & Clark, along with Dr. Weir, set out to investigate the Event Horizon: a ship that disappeared for seven years somewhere in space and suddenly reappeared in the orbit of Neptune.

The Event Horizon (designed by Dr. Weir) provides the desolate and haunting setting for the movie. The darkness, the unknown and the inability to escape create a real sense of desperation aboard the ship. There is literally nowhere to run in space, which adds to these feelings of dread. The crew slowly begins uncovering the mystery of where the Event Horizon had been for the past seven years. During this phase of the movie, we are shown some horrifying images, conjured by the ship itself. These images play on the fears, memories and even the guilt of the crew members. There are some freakish occurances leading to the ultimate...

Cash cow and flogging a dead horse
This DVD is a bit of a rip of to be honest. Many times I've read online forums and read copious preview blurbs stating that there was going to be a directors cut of this movie, restoring 40 minutes of blah...blah....blah...Yawn.

You get 2 DVDs. The first disc is where you will find the ORIGINAL THEATRICAL VERSION. Yes you heard it right...THE ORIGINAL THEATRICAL VERSION. Gasp, how can this be, what about the deleted scenes....etc. Well, there are deleted scenes but they have not been put back into the movie, something which will be explained later on.

I already had bought the first DVD release and was looking forward to seeing deleted scenes put back into the movie. This release IS better though as you get a very nice looking anamorphic version and you get DTS which sounds sweet. But this still is the original.

The second disk contains a good making of documentary and some other supplemental behind the scenes stuff however the best part of this disk...

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