Thursday, October 3, 2013


A Surprisingly Effective Look At A New Breed Of Hero--Fighting Apathy In A City Near You
When you think about it--you probably have definitive feelings when it comes to ordinary men and women masquerading as costumed superheroes. I'm not quite sure what I expected when I sat down to this lively documentary feature, but I have a much greater appreciation and understanding of the subject matter than I did going in. I'll just be honest and say it, I found the whole idea a little silly. And yet, to a large degree, I am a convert. The world would undoubtedly be a better place if more people took such an active and participatory role in civic events and community. This spirited movie has so much heart--with a fair share of comedy and even thrills--it becomes strangely irresistible, thought-provoking, and oddly touching.

First and foremost, I would commend director Michael Barnett with his even-handed and well balanced approach. He introduces a diverse cross section of superheroes for this piece. Major characters tend to come across in one of three...

Sequel, please
I was fortunate to attend a premier for this film before final edits, so it was incredible to watch the films growth. I wasn't sure what to expect and was pleasantly surprised. This is a great, fast moving movie. You really come to connect with this group of "superheroes". Some more than others. It's interesting to think that one of the superheroes featured started his journey based on a brutal crime that happened over 50 years ago in NYC.
I would recommend this film based on it's entertainment value alone, but am even more supportive of it knowing that the featured heroes are now out on the streets trying to help the homeless with food and provisions, as well as by trying to keep those streets safe. I would love to see a follow up to learn what has happened with the main characters since the films final release. Kudos to the director and producer on a heartfelt movie that brings great insight into the lives of these ordinary people with extraordinary aspirations.

Real Life Superheroes
I enjoyed this movie a whole lot. In fact I am mad 'cause my daughter lost the dvd so I can't watch it again. I wish they could have spent more time in Utah covering the Black Monday Society, but at least they did get covered. I am fascinated by this Thanatos from Britsh Columbia and I am really into how this is about Charity work, not fighting supervillians. I thought the team in New York were off because they had the leader dress up like a very muggable guy but then they got no takers cause the cameras were there the whole time and then he wants to know why no one tries to mug him. Anyway I am so happy about this charity work angle that they made sure to focus on and the producer had the right point of view and mindset, there is nothing more meaningful than people being cared about and helped and they feel like they are worth helping! Life is hard, it's great to see helping for once!!! <grin>
This is a serious documentary and it does raise awareness of an odd phenomenon in...

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