Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Falling In Love

A Love of the Heart
There is a romantic glow to this very undervalued film. It is a throwback to films of the 40's and 50's. Robert DeNiro and Meryl Streep give old style performances to match the story's atmosphere, which is sweet and sentimental. It does not make light of the subject matter of having an affair but instead is a film about finding love itself. In keeping with that theme, the romantic feelings of the two leads are never allowed to reach their natural conclusion. The love that gently blossoms is one of the heart.

Frank Raftis (DeNiro) and Molly Gilmore (Streep) are going about their mundane and uninspiring lives amidst the hustle and bustle of the Christmas season in New York when they literally run into each other at a bookshop. Both are married and when they meet again on the train to work, a friendship begins. Even the small prospect of riding to work together is handled gingerly as both are good people who would not want to hurt their spouses.

As they become more...

Streep, DeNiro and Little Moments Transcend Formula Romance
I have a certain fondness for this movie, and twenty years later, it still gets to me. I first saw this movie in a theater during a bleak Chicago winter, and the coziness of this romantic fable warmed me at the right time. Meryl Streep and Robert DeNiro - probably at the height of their respective careers in 1984 as respected, Method-style actors and bankable stars - have certainly had more challenging roles to play than the two married suburbanites here, Molly and Frank, who develop a strong attachment to one another by way of train rides back and forth from Westchester to Manhattan. In fact, this movie does not even have the emotional gravity of Noel Coward's "Brief Encounter", which screenwriter Michael Cristopher is apparently mimicking with a mid-eighties sensibility. There are even excellent actors in supporting roles - Harvey Keitel as Frank's best friend going through his own transition, Dianne Wiest as Molly's sex-obsessed best friend, Jane Kaczmarek as Frank's content but...

Flawless acting
The acting that De Niro and Streep exercise within this film is truly exemplary, proving once again (The Deer Hunter) that the chemistry between the two is so powerful. They don't need to be talking in order to show it either. The amount of emotion that Streep and De Niro convey within a subtle face gesture is enormous. There remains no doubt within my mind that true lovers of the acting craft will appreciate their skill within this gem of a film. Everything about their acting makes this story so credible-- that extraordinary love can flourish and blossom among two everyday people who are currently living within two decent, good marriages.
No, this will not be the De Niro you may see in your hard core gangster filck, but that's just a sign of a great method actor! De Niro is man of many faces and emotions! He's not simply playing himself in all his roles, as opposed to many other actors. He pulls this role off brilliantly!
Bottom line: If you appreciate great acting, and...

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