Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Assassin's Bullet [Blu-ray / DVD Combo]

Poor in any context
I occasionally write a review of a movie so poorly done simply to save people time and money. I rented this "new" because the movie I wanted was out and the previews and cover looked good - i.e. I like Sutherland and Slater. This was a dog of a movie even in the "straight to video" group, which are usually badly done yet sometimes mildly entertaining. This story was poorly written and by example, it hurts nothing to know that the psychologist (or whatever) role was so scattered as to make no sense; and Sutherland was in it a total of five minutes. There were at least three, perhaps four extended belly-dancing scenes and another "musical" scene where Slater played the guitar while the woman sang. Without those this would have just been a horrible hour-long movie. As it stands, it's an 88 minute insult to the viewers intelligence and a disgrace to the actors that lent their names to this trash.

Not being satisfied with killing the western genre, Christian Slater turns his sights on spy thrillers. Slater plays a former FBI official who now works at the US embassy in Sofia, Bulgaria. There is a vigilante assassin of "bad" Muslims that for some reason is a problem. We get to see that the killer is a dark haired woman.

In order to get Christian Slater back into the FBI business, the film incorporates the acting of Donald Sutherland, Hollywood's go-to guy for black ops since "JFK." In addition to the killings, the movie centers around Slater's obsession with a red headed belly dancer and a psychologist talking to a blond woman who teaches English.

The film gives you clues and key plot points almost in a manner of "Student Bodies" with a big arrow and the word "clue" by it. The camera will zoom in and pause to let us know the director thinks his audience is composed of idiots. Slater was unconvincing. Elika Portnoy was boring. This is not an action thriller,...

A Curmudgeon Review
Hi friends. I normally review mostly zombie movies,
so you know I can sit through some tripe on disk.
This movie was just O.K.
Slater's last good movie was Broken Arrow, including this
one. I want to say, I figured it out in about 30 minutes.
If you want to watch it, go ahead. I will not spoil the ending.
It was all predictable. If you want to do something, like
talk on the phone or wash the dog--while watching it, it
might just surprise you at the end.
Greg K.

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