Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Home is Where the Barter Is

Does anyone believe this??
Who believes that this show is real? The two barter guys show up, the person with the item the barter kings want says "no way" to the item they have to barter with, and by the time they finish, the person is just fine with the deal. Sometimes, the items are so off on value that it's ridiculous to think that anyone would go for it. No one ever thinks, "I'll just sell my item for cash and BUY the item they are trying to barter with and have a couple of hundred dollars left over?" Maybe one or two people would be lazy enough to just let their item go, but not everyone like the show claims. I just wonder how many deals they have to try before they get enough material for a whole show.

Sales Training Class Video: Barter Kings
If you're a sales manager, check out this episode of Barter Kings. The guys start with barely anything of value and trade up to expensive items. How do they do it? Of course, they know where to look, but once they confront their trade target, they engage straightforward salesmanship. They seek out the problem the "target" has. They paint scenarios and balance the benefits of the solution against the pain of doing nothing. They ask for the sale plainly. "What do you say: my security cameras for your trailer? Do we have a deal?" This was purchased to show at a sales meeting.

Barter Kings...
Enjoyed the show! It really makes you rethink how to acquire things that you previously thought you couldn't purchase do to financial limitations! But the true test is to try and do it yourself! Time will tell... All said, I really did enjoy the show and look forward to seeing more for sure!

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