Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Beast of Bray Road

Barely worth a rental
Ugh. Where to begin? When I watched this film I knew there would be liberties taken for dramatic effect, and as one of the researchers involved with the real-life Bray Road incidents, I had to keep an open mind. After all, the film uses savage murders as its key subject point, but in reality, there were no human deaths in the real Bray Road cases. Unfortunately even my suspension of disbelief was not strong enough to stomach this film. Had writer/director Leigh Slawner (also known as Leigh Scott) done any research into the subject matter at hand, he could have come up with a decent indie werewolf film, because mercy knows we need one. Unfortunately he follows "Hollywood Formula" to the letter. When I was watching it, I told a friend in disgust all we needed was a bar fight and a cat jumping out of a closet to make the stereotypical plot devices complete. We didn't get the cat, but midway through we did have the bar fight.

The "Beast of Bray Road" is a sloppy, lazy,...

Beast of Bray Road Kill
Five Stars? Am I crazy? Yes, but thats an entirely different subject. Lets start off. This is a "B" movie. No, its not Gone with the Wind, (thank God) its a 5 star B movie with great entertaining characters throughout. Gore is plentiful and gratuitous sex seems normal in this back woods town where there is nothing else to do but get drunk, get laid and get mangled by the Beast of Bray Road.

Being Based on a "True" story about a werewolf running amouk in Wisconsin really adds a whole new dimension in Terror as the viewer needs to add less suspension of disbeleif where the possibility of real werewolves running around are concerned. As far as B movies go... this one is Killer! Enjoy!

Look out CHANEY,Theres a NEW Werewolf in town !
I was enthralled with this monster flick ! The cast: Jeff Denton(Has a James Dean-ish bent ),Sarah Lieving has a great screen prescence and will go far, Totally believable. The special effects would gross you out, But logically. Wanna talk about the beast, Joel Hebner portrays the beast and he is great; the suit by Eva Lohse and Dizzworks design is different than earlier cinematic beasts . Producers push the envelope that this is a true story,And on IMDB a fan says he has photo of REAL Beast of Bray Road. I wanna talk about ending, It was innovative and yet pissed me off, And the irony is we cant discuss without a Spoiler Warning, See you on the message boards AND WE SHALL DISCUSS !

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